
SelfMind helps in the identification and management of memory problems as well as other disorders affecting cognitive function.

Each module has 10 levels of difficulty, thanks to which it is possible to select and adjust the degree of difficulty of tasks to the individual cognitive abilities of the user. It is an accurate response to the needs of people with cognitive impairment and their caregivers for tools that provide specific methods and ideas for neuropsychological rehabilitation. The program is distinguished by innovation and attractiveness. The program enable the percentage and graphic registration of the obtained results, and thus the possibility of monitoring them and observing the dynamics of changes in the cognitive functioning of patients

Cognitive domians with neuro-psychological tests that appear in SelfMind are

  • memory
  • attention
  • working memory
  • logical thinking and association
  • classification
  • Visual and spatial functions

Training flow:

Each module training exercise consists of 10 different levels and the difficulty exercise increases as the participant advances to the next higher level.

Module Training duration:

Approx. 5 min

Response Mode:

The task is administered via the computer screen, and subject responses are through the use of the mouse or touch screen.

Psychological measure / Output variables:

  • correct responses
  • incorrect responses
  • total number of trials
  • Threshold potential

Shop Module

In this training exercise, a shopping list is presented on screen and participant is asked to remember the items from the list. The shop is displayed on the next screen . The items from the list and other items are randomly placed on the shelves. An empty list is displayed alongside the shop. Participant task is to fill the empty list with the items from the shopping list by clicking the items displayed on the shelves in the shop. Participant completes a level when the threshold criteria for that particular level is reached.


Home Module

In this training exercise, items appear on the screen and then dissappear at corresponding point on the screen. The participant's task is to remember the items shown before. Later, items appear again on the screen with other items randomly mixed amongst them. Participant task is to click at the place where the items disappeared earlier on the screen or click on the item if that particular item was not displayed earlier on the screen. Participant completes a level when the threshold criteria for that particular level is reached.


Matrix Module

In this training exercise, digits and alphabets appear on the screen in the form of a matrix. The participant task is to identify digits and alphabets by responding on the next screen. Participant completes a level when the threshold criteria for that particular level is reached.


Jigsaw Module

In this training exercise, puzzles in the form of images are shown to the participant. The participant task is to recreate the exact image shown before using the puzzle pieces available to him/her. Participant completes a level when the threshold criteria for that particular level is reached.